Whether you are planning to sell your home or you just want to spruce it up a bit this spring, curb appeal is a great place to start since the exterior of your home is the first thing people will see when they drive past or pull up. The leading Carrollton flooring store, CMA Flooring, brings you these 8 simple ways to improve your home’s look without breaking the bank.
Nothing improves the image of a home quite like an updated front door. A fresh coat of paint and the application of inexpensive molding goes a long way in improving the appearance of your home’s entrance.
Consider installing shutters around your windows. This affordable addition adds character to an otherwise dull exterior. Choose a color that coordinates with the front door and is in contrast to the color of the house for a real pop.
Exposed concrete foundations, like porches or patios, can be improved upon thanks to faux panels that give the look of brick, hardwood, or stone.
While landscaping can be quite costly, you can improve the look of your yard by maintaining your lawn and planting a small flower garden. Window boxes and hanging or potted plants on the porch or patio are also quite effective.
Lighting can go a long way in enhancing your yard. Consider a decorative porch light, lanterns, or lining your walkway with solar lights.
Painting electrical panels, wiring, pipes, or other unsightly items the same color as the house allows them to blend in rather than stand out.
Hide unappealing garbage cans and air conditioners behind lattice panels, a small fence, or in an attractive, but economical storage shed.
Replacing an old, unsightly mailbox with an updated, decorative one is a simple way to personalize your property and add an interesting aesthetic element.
Don’t let costs keep you from improving the look of your home. There are plenty of economical ways to boost your home’s exterior and interior, too. If you’ve been letting the budget hold you back from replacing your flooring, don’t! Come to CMA Flooring in Carrollton and let our experts help you find new flooring that fits both your taste and your pocketbook. We offer a huge selection, from attractive laminate to durable vinyl. Call us today at (972) 418-6606 for a free estimate!
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